Doctor Scooter Helmet With Light For Electric Scooter/Bike Black - DRS-HELMET-BLK
This helmet is really lightweight & strong. It comes with an internal rotational size adjuster, to achieve the perfect fit. Front and rear LED lights complete the safety package. Great value for money!
Safety: one-moulding process, the PC and EPS material, making the helmet more secure
LED back lights automatically light or standby according to the intensity of light, and the visible distance is over 180 meters
One button to control three lighting modes: shortly press the switch button to switch the light mode after booting: tide mode (light sense), flash mode (light sense), strobe mode (normally on)
Good ventilation effect: according to the aerodynamic principle, wind holes for ventilation and comfort
Long battery life: charging once, battery life can last for 36 hours, standby for 180 hours
A wide range of applications: electric bicycles, electric scooters, balance vehicles, roller skating, bicycles, etc.
Built-in 455mAh lithium polymer battery
Material: PC
Product weight:0.3730 kg IN-MOULD (organic moulding)
Package weight:0.5600 kg
Ventilation holes: 12
Age of use: Children (3-9 years old recommended Size S), adults (M/L) Suitable for: both men and women.