Walk Easy WE332 Repell Personal Attack Deterrent - [WEA-WE332]
The Ultimate Attack Deterrent with Dye and Foul Odour.
The Repell sprays a cloud of foul odour AND a vivid ultraviolet yellow dye. Both of these act to repel, disorientate and mark an attacker. The odour and dye are not easy to remove so they can be used to identify the attacker at a later date. The fluorescent dye is very visible under an ultraviolet light. Be safe, be confident, with your REPELL spray.
The Repell contains no hazardous ingredients, it is non toxic and non flammable.
The Repell Attack Deterrent is simply operated by pressing down on the recessed part of the cap. Release to stop.
Yellow Fluorescent Dye: Yes
Foul Odour: Yes
Dimensions: 110mm x 35mm
Total Weight: 65gm
Propellant: Non toxic, non flammable and ozone friendly (conforms to EU Directive 3093/94)