Walk Easy Trident Triple Action Personal Alarm - 138 dBs - [WEA-WE333]
The TRIDENT has been specially designed so that upon activation it has a triple action it produce an ear-piercing 138+ decibel sound output, releases a repelling odour as well as an ‘invisible’ ultraviolet UV tracer.
These three features combined, create an unpleasant environment for the attacker that encourages them to flee the scene of their potential crime. Act now to deter your attacker with ear-piercing 138+ decibel sound, UV marker and odour.
The TRIDENT Attack Deterrent is the ultimate triple action Personal Attack Alarm and Deterrent made in the UK. The best value quality reliable personal alarm available.
138 Decibel Alarm: Yes
Foul Odour Spray: Yes
Ultraviolet Spray Marker: Yes
Duration: Up to 3 minutes continuous / up to 100 short blasts