Walk Easy Trident Triple Action Personal Alarm - 138 dBs - [WEA-WE333]
The TRIDENT has been specially designed so that upon activation it has a triple action it produce an ear-piercing 138+ decibel sound output, releases a repelling odour as well as an ‘invisible’ ultraviolet UV tracer.
Take action now to protect yourself with this powerful deterrent, featuring an ear-piercing 138+ decibel alarm, UV marker for identification, and a repelling odour.
The TRIDENT Deterrent is the ultimate triple action Personal Alarm and Deterrent made in the UK. The best value quality reliable personal alarm available.
138 Decibel Alarm: Yes
Foul Odour Spray: Yes
Ultraviolet Spray Marker: Yes
Duration: Up to 3 minutes continuous / up to 100 short blasts