The innovative shape of the uvex hi-com earplugs reduces the level of sound that normally builds up in the inner ear when wearing hearing protection. Integrated cavities result in a larger surface area in the direction of the eardrum. The earplugs provide softer acoustics and absorb disruptive noises – they also allow excellent speech perception. The detec version of the uvex hi-com is easily detectable, both visually and by machines, thanks to its striking blue colour and metal ball. Reduces level of sound that can build up in the inner ear when wearing hearing protection.
General features:
- Size: Medium
- Colour: Blue
- Version with cord
- Detectable earplugs with low sound absorption and excellent speech perception
- Earplugs: PU-foam
- Cord: PVC with added iron powder plus metal clamp
- Cord length: 700 mm
Protection features:
- Meets standard EN 352-2 and the additional requirement "Warning signal hearing, general" (W)
- 24 decibels insulation – H: 26 dB, M: 20 dB, L: 18 dB
- Integration of metal and blue colour enable easy recognition in production areas
- Metal powder in the cord guarantees full detection
Tags: Ear Plugs, Earplugs, Foam Ear Plugs, Corded Ear Plugs, Disposable Ear Plugs, Green Ear Plugs