Bolle B-Line BL30 Safety Smoke Glasses - ESP Anti-Scratch UV - Impact Protection - [BO-BL30]
Provides a wrap-around protection and a universal design
- Wrap-around fit
- Weight: 24g
EN 166: guaranteed minimum resistance of the protective eyewear against everyday risks including dropping the protective eyewear onto the ground, ageing by light exposure, exposure to heat or corrosion etc.
Z87+ : Impact rated for Plano product - tested and approved to ANSI Z81.1-2015
AS/NZS 1337.1:2010 : Tested & approuved to AS/NZS 1337.1.2010 for medium impact protection. Resists a 6mm at 45 m/s.
F. Low energy impact, resists a 6 mm, 0.86 g ball at 45 m/s Maximum protection for glasses.
T. The letter T, immediately after the mechanical strength symbol, authorises use for high speed particles at extreme temperatures.