5 KVA STEP DOWN Site Transformer - From 240V Mains Power Supply to 110V - 2 x 16A 1 x 32A Outlets - [HC-T5KVA2X161X32]
- 5 KVA intermittent use
- 3.0 KVA Continuous rating (Over 8 Hours)
- Thermal Cut Out Switch – 15 Amp
- Outer Casing Made From GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic)
- 2 x 16 Amp Sockets & 1 x 32 Amp Socket (IEC 60309)
- Weight: 35Kg
A monthly inspection is recommended, which is mostly visual, check for cracks in casing, plug, fuse and sockets. If experienced, unplug transformer, take lid off and check for discoloration in the resin, there's no need to touch parts.